Learning to trust our intuition

Development of new ideas starts with learning to trust our intuition. Then comes the hard part of working out the details. Presentation is a big job too. After the presentation, the probability of being ignored by professional scientists is very high.

People with good ideas deserve to be heard but in this busy world it is very difficult to have the attention of a scientist if you are outside the academic circles. I understand professional scientists. I was a professional physicist in the past. They are busy. They don’t have time to entertain all the ideas from the periphery. Besides, they sacrificed so much and fought very hard to get to their academic positions. When they see someone from outside the academia making big claims without the necessary work behind those claims, they get angry.

Academicians ignore each other too. If the new idea cannot be ignored they criticize it. New ideas are often attacked by the people who are invested in the old ideas. Usually it is an ego thing. Intellectuals attack an idea just because it is not their idea.

So…the main point of this note is to convince you that resistance to new ideas is normal even if you are a Nobel laureate. Many ideas of Roger Penrose and Gerard ‘t Hooft are not accepted by the mainstream scientists.

The second point is to remind you that nobody knows the big picture. The mystery of Reality is so profound. We can only know a tiny fraction of Reality and that tiny fraction will only be a limited perspective.

Sometimes we see the potential of an idea presented in a book, paper or blogpost but we are not ready to integrate it to our own work. We don’t know how to advance that idea. We may be too lazy or not terribly convinced, etc. But, certainly, a residue remains in our subconscious mind. With this hope, keep producing, keep sharing your ideas.

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