Cognitive Core

Elementary particles have intrinsic properties such as charge and spin that determine the particle behavior as much as the surrounding forces. Charge and spin constitute the cognitive core of elementary particles. Similarly, the nucleus of an atom, the nucleus of a biological cell, the nucleus of a galaxy functions as the cognitive core.

If an entity has an internal part or an intrinsic property that partially explains its behavior, then that part should be recognized as the cognitive core.

Does a gaseous cloud have a cognitive core? Where is the cognitive core in the Higgs field? In both cases the cognitive core is located in the field quantum (gas molecule and Higgs particle, respectively).

The evolution of a quantum field cannot be fully explained without knowing the intrinsic properties of its field quanta. Similarly, the evolution of spacetime cannot be fully explained without the knowledge of Black Holes – cognitive cores of spacetime.

Cognitive cores interact with each other. Any explanation of change (evolution) requires both concepts: cognitive core and interaction. One obvious example is the evolution of organisms. DNA is the cognitive core. Environment is the interaction. Evolution of an organism is partially determined by its DNA and partially by the environment.

Attributes are the resultants of interactions among cognitive cores. Attributes manifest in the arena of space and time hence dynamics.

Cognitive cores and dynamical laws belong to distinct ontological categories.

cognitive core category: space-invariant and time-invariant (conservation laws, invariants)

interaction category: time-dependent and space-dependent (dynamical laws, attributes).

Can we explain the formation of cognitive cores using the dynamical laws? The answer is no. Dynamical laws expressed by Maxwell or Dirac equations are not enough to explain the formation of electrons. These equations describe the dynamics of a charged particle, but they do not explain what “charge” is.

Agency category: Agency emerges from matter and becomes a causal factor influencing matter. This ‘agency effect’ is ontologically distinct from the categories mentioned above.

Agency: causal aspects of individuality.

Individuality: a temporal expression related to structural integrity over time. In Individuality and Collectivity I suggested that the ‘cognitive core’ constitutes the minimum degree of individuality.

What is matter? My answer is that matter is a collection of cognitive cores and their interactions. Recall that ‘interactions’ refers to the dynamical laws.

matter = {cognitive cores, dynamical laws}

Remember, ‘cognitive core’ is the minimum degree of individuality which does not posses agency yet. Therefore, matter does not posses agency.

What is mind? Mind is the functional aspect of agency. What is agency? Causal aspect of individuality. What is individuality? See above.

Agency emerges after a certain degree of individuality. Agency has causal impact but the realization of this act has to obey the natural laws.

As mind develops in the course of evolution subtler functions of the mind emerge (ego, memory, thinking, intuition) and the degree of control increases. These higher functions of the mind are beyond mysterious. We are clueless about the higher functions of the mind!

As the evolution of mind-matter continues different levels of organization form. Each level exhibits a different degree of materiality. Each level is governed by different cognitive cores and their interactions. Also, each level may have different degrees of agency therefore exhibit different degrees of mind functionality. This means that the individuals at each level are subject to different kinds of laws. Physical laws are not violated but additional laws come into play.

In passing we should note that individuality can be nested. One individual can exist inside another. At each level of organization, a different model of the self may have to be considered.