
Cosmology is developing into an experimental science thanks to revolutionary observational techniques by the astronomers, physicists and engineers. The amount of data collected by the space-based as well as the ground-based (optical, gamma, infrared, microwave, radiowave, CMB) observatories plus the gravitational wave observatories will soon exceed the amount of data collected by the particle physics experiments. Data Science (sophisticated statistical data analysis and machine learning techniques) is becoming an integral part of observational cosmology.

There are many competing theories of the early universe. While data-driven cosmology is developing rapidly there is not enough evidence yet to falsify any of those competing theories.

Every once in a while I try to categorize the main approaches in fundamental physics (see here, here, here). Some of those approaches may be useful in modeling the early universe. I talk about the approaches but rarely discuss particular theories and I never say much about the theories involving multiverse. Perhaps the only exception is this blogpost in 2015 where I expressed my biased opinion regarding multiverse. I am not against the concept of multiverse. But, I differ from the majority of multiverse advocates because I believe there is life in every one of those separate universes. I believe that the entire Cosmos which covers the multiverse and more is alive by definition. Then it is a natural extension of my belief to assume that there is life in each universe.

I concluded my 2015 blogpost with this paragraph:

I kept saying ‘I believe’. There is no science here. The so-called scientists who advocate multiverse consisting of uncountable number of separate universes with random set of natural laws are presenting their metaphysical view. I am presenting my metaphysical view that multiverse is full of life. Who is right? Who is wrong? We will never know because these universes are separate. Then, what is all the mania about the multiverse? It is nothing but a sign of crisis in physics.

Well…when Richard Gauthier kindly informed me about his latest paper titled “Univon Particle Created Our Universe and Others” I was intrigued to find an interesting multiverse hypothesis in his paper.



Univon Particle Created Our Universe and Many Others

Gauthier’s multiverse hypothesis is very different from others. According to Gauthier each universe in the multiverse was or will be created from a standard univon, and will have the same fundamental constants like c, h and G, and the same masses of its fundamental particles as in our own universe. Therefore, if there is life in this universe there will be life in other universes as well. Furthermore, Gauthier claims that his multiverse hypothesis can be falsified.

The conclusions section of his paper is worth quoting here

“Although cosmologists don’t know what happened at the exact beginning of our universe, the proposed univon (universe particle) model for the creation of our universe suggests that pathways from the time of radioactive decay of the univon (defined as t=0) to the formation of the quantum fields of the early rapid inflationary period of our universe may be explored, developed and tested, with the goal of supporting or falsifying the univon hypothesis for the creation of our universe. The univon multiverse hypothesis was developed from modeling fundamental particles such as the photon and the electron and positron as being composed of helically-circulating superluminal energy quanta. This led to the modeling of a first quantum particle of the universe, called the cosmic quantum, now also named the univon. The superluminal energy quantum, now called a superluminal primordial information quantum (sprinq) is proposed to compose identical univons that created our universe and other universes in a multiverse. Identical univons, created directly or indirectly by the multiplication of sprinqs expressing different particle characteristics, compose all the fundamental particles in our universe, and in other universes as well. The univon is proposed to have produced our finely-tuned universe, allowing the evolution of stable galaxies, stars, life and minds. The univon multiverse hypothesis predicts that all other universes produced from univons will be as finely-tuned in their physical constants as our universe is. This makes the univon multiverse hypothesis open to refutation as a scientific hypothesis. If at least one physical constant like c, h or G or one fundamental particle mass is found to be different in another universe from the corresponding constant or mass in our universe, the univron hypothesis will be falsified. Comparing physical constants in other observed universes with those of our universe may therefore contribute to scientifically and objectively deciding whether or not a higher intelligence helped create our universe.”

Richard Gauthier would appreciate hearing any comments or questions from readers: richgauthier@gmail.com

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